Monday, March 19, 2007

About Cosmetic Dentistry

About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry might be your answer to a new celebrity smile if you’ve been finding that your smile lacks the kind of brightness and quality that you really want, you’ve probably come across the field of cosmetic dentistry in your search for perfection. Well what is cosmetic dentistry? The answer is pretty simple. It’s a discreet mix of cosmetic surgery and dentistry, specifically developed to address the concerns of people with stained or amaged teeth. Cosmetic dentistry is popular now because of increased public awareness. More and more celebrities and TV personalities are sporting those perfect pearly whites. As people just like you begin having their teeth done, the idea of perfect teeth is quickly becoming the norm. There’s a whole slew of whitening kits available for private use in the home, but they’re not as effective as getting cosmetic dentistry. Furthermore, there’s nothing you can buy over the counter that can fix a chipped or widely spaced tooth. Cosmetic dentistry is safe, effective, and painless. For people who want results, it’s the only real answer. There are three main types of cosmetic dentistry. Whitening focuses on improving the color of your teeth. Dental implants and bonding involves replacing teeth or portions of missing teeth. Veneers focus on changing the appearance of your front teeth. Whitening As we age our teeth naturally lose their white color. Habits like drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes can make things worse by adding stains to the mix. White teeth can be regained through a process known as whitening. When it comes to whitening there are several different levels of the procedure. Surface whiteners focus on eliminating the stains accumulated from coffee and tobacco products. They are commonly found in chewing gums and toothpastes. More intensive bleaching agents can be used in your cosmetic dentist’s office. These are many times more powerful than surface whiteners and actually penetrate the tooth to give it a wholesome new look. Implants and Bonding Missing or chipped teeth can be fixed with a variety of bonding treatments. A missing tooth is usually not bonded, but actually replaced with a dental implant. These are prosthetics that are anchored to the jawbone. They look just like the real thing, and your friends would be hard pressed to notice the change. A chipped tooth can be fixed with a bonding compound. These are composite resins that can be molded to replace missing portions of teeth. They are then hardened with a curing laser or light source. Veneers A porcelain veneer effectively hides the tooth defects of your front teeth with a thin shell of porcelain glued to the surface. They can be used to cover up stains and chips, along with hiding gaps that may be present between your teeth.

1 comment:

ipf said...

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IVF Cancun